
Workshop | Balthasar Bickel: Digital methods for modern language science

NombreWorkshop | Balthasar Bickel: Digital methods for modern language science
FechaDel 25 al 26 de noviembre del 2019
DescripciónDigital methods are currently revolutionizing language science. This course introduces the basic concepts and tools in this endeavor. We will begin by reviewing by-now classical approaches that rely on digital corpora and discuss what they can teach us about language structure and their dynamics. But the main emphasis of the course is to show how digital methods allow new insights and open new research avenues far beyond corpus-based research. For this purposes, we will first address the advantage that modern database technology and data visualization techniques bring to the analysis of individual grammatical phenomena (e.g. specific clause-linkage constructions) as part of, say, documentary fieldwork or grammar writing. We will then expand the scope to comparative work on the history of languages (language families, language diversity) and their properties (language typology), emphasizing in particular statistical approaches to uncertainty and noise in our data. The course does not presuppose technical knowledge of digital methods and aims instead at showing how students can familiarize themselves with such methods and what benefits they can expect from this for their linguistic work.
ContactoMiguel Rodríguez Mondoñedo
UbicaciónFacultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas (Pabellón H)- Sala Morales de la Torre